about us

David on Djembe


Shiva SRF

Shiva's gift is her presence 

Crystal Dawn

Frank Burmann

Frank playing Didgeridoo & Djembe.

Michelle Fontaine

Michelle is a natural!

Malik Sow

Malik is an inspiration.

Richard Dubuc

Richard brings a special energy to the healing bowls.

Facilitator/Composer David De Palo has scored and/or orchestrated over twenty Studio films. He holds a Master's degree in composition from the Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University, a Bachelor of Arts from Hampshire College, and an artist's diploma from The USC Thornton School of Music in Scoring for Motion Pictures, Film and TV. He has studied with Elmer Bernstein, Buddy Baker, Bruce Broughton, Christopher Young, David Raksin, Joe Harnell, and Marc Shaiman.

Deciding to move his studio from Hollywood to Thousand Oaks was the genesis of the concept behind Fun-do-mental Music. "Wow, this would be a great room for a jam..." was his first thought on seeing the expansive main room of the studio. Thus Fun-do-mental Music was born.

As the studio evolved, so David's consciousness was raised. Originally designed as a space for musical jam parties, Fun-do-mental Music has become an experiential spiritual center, encouraging personal growl through music, motion, and the study of metaphysics.


Shiva Win: Client Liaison

Shiva is a Singer, Writer, Life Coach, level two Reiki Master, and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Ecology.  She began her career as a wardrobe assistant and later transitioned from the film world into spiritual service in 2003.

Shiva's purpose is to awaken humanity by bringing more joy into people's lives; all it takes is one smile.  Through her work as a healer and meditation teacher, Shiva has witnessed the power of ‘intended music’ to elicit positive changes by reducing overall stress, and producing a higher level of clarity and balance.  From her personal experience, Shiva finds music allows people to come out of their shells and experience their higher creative selves.    

Concurrent with her work for Fun-do-mental Music, Shiva is producing the feature length documentary, "Purpose." For more info about Shiva, visit her website: www.RaisingHumanConsciousness.com


Crystal Dawn: Party Assistant.

Crystal is CPR certified. She’s nearly fluent in sign language. She studies Early Childhood Development at Moorpark College, runs her own business: Loving Pet Care (pet nanny/house sitting services (805) 427-6405, and she’s a multi-media artist! She’s also a pumpkin carver extraordinaire, grows an almost self-sustaining vegetable garden, and she raises turtles, koi, and ducks in the pond behind her house! We are very lucky to have her.


Frank Burman: Instructor

Frank Burmann brings a driving, unstoppable beat to Fun-do-Mental Music.  He is passionate about World Music and Hand Drumming.  He specializes in West African Djembe, Middle Eastern Doumbek, Talking Drums, shakers, and the magical Australian wind instrument called the Didgeridoo.  What is most unique about his musical skill set is that he incorporates all the elements, including the Didgeridoo into his drum kit and plays with a combination of sticks, mallets, shakers, and hands while keeping an enchanting drone on his mounted Didgeridoos.

Professionally Frank Burmann is a teacher.  He graduated from CSUN with honors and holds a Professional Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with an emphasis in (CLAD) Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development.  He has been teaching primary and middle school for over ten years and has integrated his musical skills into his day to day instructional lessons.  Mr. Burmann also holds degrees in Psychology.

Musically Frank has over 15 years experience in studying drum-circle facilitation; he has studied and participated in drum circles lead by Arthur Hull, Kalani, and his mentor Eddie Tuduri.  He has studied the work of West African master drummers Mamady Keita and Paulo Mattioli, as well as taking classes under master drummer Dibo Camera.  Currently Frank is taking classes from master drummer Malik Sow at Fun-do-Mental Music.

Three years ago Frank was given a Didgeridoo as a gift and has taken to it with surprisingly magical results.  His love of the long mysterious drone has compelled him to master the art of circular breathing.  He enjoys mixing his didgeridoo skills with Middle Eastern Belly Dancing Percussions and the world percussion drum kit that he developed. 

Michelle Fontaine

Michelle is a wonderful singer/songwriter/musician with an infectious laugh and a glowing spirit. She plays piano and guitar and sings.  Michelle began playing the piano at age 3 and began composing her own songs on the piano at the age of 8.  in her early 20's  she began playing the acoustic guitar and has since written over 300 guitar based songs.

Michelle also created a music  program for children ages 6 months to 8 years ~  called mandala music (meaning magic circle music).  Michelle composed all the songs for her music program, incorporating foreign languages, creative movement, singing and instrument playing. 

 Michelle has recently finished her first professional record called 'zletos blues', you can listen to her music at her website:  www.myspace.com/mandalamusica

Michelle has played stages in Nashville, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Santa Cruz, Denver, Winston-Salemn, NC, Jacksonville, FLA, London, Mexico, Panama and Greece  and hopes to continue playing music around the world until she is a very, very old lady!

See a music video we made for Michelle and hear her latest song here.


Malik Sow

Master Drummer, Composer, and Choreographer Malik Sow, born in Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, hails from the Fulani ethnic group of West Africa. Malik's father was a French Marine of a noble family who swept the beautiful singer and dancer of a griot family off her feet marrying her soon after. Malik followed in his mother's footsteps and became a performer of traditional music from the ancient Malian empire - which today includes the West African countries of Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Gambia, Cote D'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, and Cameroon.

As Malik says: "I was born a musician and have played various percussion instruments since I can remember - and probably before that. I have seen people laugh, cry, dance, and receive spiritual healing from music. Music is a gift I love to give."


Richard Dubuc

Healer Richard Dubuc is a wonderful soul. He shares his Crystal Bowl Gongs with us from time-to-time, but his spirit is so much a part of the studio, I decided to add him to our line-up. Look at that face! Sometimes just sitting with him is all you need to feel better.


Yoga Doug

From Doug's website: YogaDoug.com:

After years of teaching free classes for students and studying with many master teachers, (YogaDoug) entered the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Arizona to get my official certification.  From there I continued teaching free classes for several years before ever offering my teaching to public studios.

I had never thought about or desired to teach yoga, but the universal energy had other plans, and chose to use my skills for just that.

I have evolved my practice to heights I never thought possible and continue to amaze myself with the process of yoga.

I teach yoga as a process of meditation, or a way of bringing yourself to superior levels of mindfulness and acceptance. To use asana as a way to meditate and to introduce the full spectrum of yogic philosophy into the modern mind.

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